With a sweet and savory glaze, this rich and flavorful Corned Beef with Apricot Dijon Glaze is so easy to make! My secret? Tender corned beef is simmered...
Polenta is often used as a neutral carb canvas for a rich sauce or braised meat, but here the creamy ricotta-and-spinach-enriched polenta is the centerpiece,...
This recipe shines a new light on a classic. Cooking a chuck roast slow-and-low allows it time to fully develop its flavor. Pair it with a fresh chickpea...
This spicy, smoky Latin Chicken dish boasts a good portion of your daily fiber and beta carotene thanks to black beans and sweet potatoes. And with just...
Bacon. Cheese. Potatoes. Need I say more? This Cheesy Bacon Ranch Potatoes recipe only requires a few ingredients and makes a delicious side dish that...
Hearty and comforting! This shredded chicken in the Crockpot simmers all day in a luscious cream cheese sauce with Italian seasoning, garlic, celery seed,...
Slow Cooker Hawaiian Pulled Pork - Pork is slow cooked to perfection and has Hawaiian-inspired flavors from pineapple and teriyaki sauce! Sweet, tangy,...
If you're looking for a simple weeknight dinner that the whole family will love, then you are in the right place! Easy Slow Cooker Pork Chops and Gravy...
Slow Cooked Beef Ragu with Pappardelle is hands down one of the best comforting and flavourful pasta recipes! Chunks of beef are braised then simmered...
If you don't have a slow cooker, use a covered Dutch oven; cook the curry in a 325°F oven until the beef is tender, about 2 hours, adding 1/2 cup water...
This delicious Crock Pot Moroccan Tagine is an easy to make vegetarian (and vegan!) crock pot recipe. It's loaded with sweet potatoes, carrots, and chickpeas...
This dish is made with chicken thighs, which have more flavor than chicken breasts but you can substitute chicken breasts if you like. The meat needs to...
The pairing of barbecue and Big Red Soda is super-popular throughout the South, so why not combine the two in one killer dish? The sweet, cult-favorite...
Slow Cooker Guinness Beef Stew! Make this hearty, satisfying stew with chunks of beef, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, and of course, Guinness stout. Perfect...
Crockpot Applesauce BBQ Chicken, this slow cooker meal will be an instant family favorite. Throw all the ingredients into your slow cooker and you'll...
This delicious Slow Cooker Chicken and Potatoes with Green Beans is coated with a delicious honey garlic sauce. Simply add everything into the slow cooker,...
These barbecue chicken wings become tender in your slow-cooker and finish up with a crispy outside under the broiler for the perfect barbecue chicken for...
Slow cooker recipes are great for potluck dinners, sporting events, birthdays, Sunday dinners, weekly meals, oh wait, just about every occasion under the...
Delicious, healthy slow cooker black bean pumpkin turkey chili bursting with sweet & spicy flavors thanks to hints of maple, cinnamon, chili powder & cayenne....
Swiss Steak is a perfect family dinner; it's easy to make and can be cooked either in the oven or in the slow cooker. This dish has delicious tender beef...
When the family arrives for supper, the aroma from this slow-cooking main dish will welcome them. And the cheesy chicken and rice filling has just the...
This Crockpot Sesame Chicken has tender shredded chicken in a delicious sweet and savory sauce. Serve it over rice and topped with sesame seeds. One of...